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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Confession and Assurance#62In deep despair I cry to you
Confession and Assurance#63Who can sound the depths of sorrow
Confession and Assurance#64I'm not asking for the riches of the land
Confession and Assurance#65Jesus gave his mandate
Confession and Assurance#66For freedom Christ has set us free
Confession and Assurance#67O be joyful in your hearts
Confession and Assurance#68Your mercy flows upon us like a river
Confession and Assurance#69We cannot measure how you heal
Confession and Assurance#70I will give you rest
Confession and Assurance#71I cry out for your hand of mercy to heal me
Confession and Assurance#72I'm so glad Jesus lifted me
Confession and Assurance#73The Lord is God, the one and true God
Confession and Assurance#74Therefore you shall draw water with rejoicing
Easter and Ascension#146Hail and Hosanna
Easter and Ascension#147Christ is risen! Shout hosanna!
Easter and Ascension#148Now he is living, the Christ
Easter and Ascension#149Aleluya, Aleluya (Alleluia. Alleluia)
Easter and Ascension#150Alleluia! Jesus is risen
Easter and Ascension#151The Lord is risen from the dead
Easter and Ascension#152I am the bread of life
