6289. Splendor and Majesty

Text Information
First Line: Splendor and majesty are before You
Title: Splendor and Majesty
Author: Ralph Merrifield (1993 & 1996)
Author: Leonard Smith (1993 & 1996)
Language: English
Copyright: © 1996, New Jerusalem Music, PO Box 225, Clarksboro, NJ 08020 USA
Notes: Ralph Mer­ri­field wrote: I orig­in­al­ly wrote Splen­dor and Ma­jes­ty in 1993…and mo­di­fied it while nav­i­gat­ing bump­er-to-bump­er com­mut­er traf­fic on Route 128 (just south of Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts)! Brent­wood Mu­sic in Nash­ville showed an ear­ly in­ter­est in the song, but they didn’t have any pro­jects in the works that matched the style. In the Spring of 1996, Len­ny Smith called to see if I’d like to do some co-writ­ing with him (New Hope and New Je­ru­sa­lem Mu­sic hap­pened to be next to each other al­ph­a­bet­ic­al­ly in the CCLI Pub­lish­ers List!) Af­ter lis­ten­ing to all my re­cord­ings, he asked per­mis­sion to re­shape the lyr­ics and mel­o­dy of “Splen­dor and Ma­jes­ty”, and that is how it came to have its cur­rent form.
Tune Information
Name: [Splendor and majesty are before You]
Composer: Ralph Merrifield (1993 & 1996)
Composer: Leonard Smith (1993 & 1996)
Arranger: Louis Webb
Incipit: 33235 77175 66654
Key: G Major
Copyright: © 1996, New Jerusalem Music, PO Box 225, Clarksboro, NJ 08020 USA

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