Cottage Melodies; a hymn and tune book, for prayer and social meetings and the home circle

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
201I'm not ashamed to own my LordPage Scan
202My Saviour, my almighty FriendPage Scan
203How shall the young secure their heartsPage Scan
204O for a thousand tongues to sing Page Scan
205Forever here my rest shall bePage Scan
206Bestow, O Lord, upon our youthPage Scan
207Make channels for the streams of lovePage Scan
208How happy is the youth who hearsPage Scan
209Happy, for ever happy hePage Scan
210Father, whate'er of earthly blissPage Scan
211Pilgrim, is thy journey drear?Page Scan
212Go, thou, in life's fair morningPage Scan
213Go when the morning shinethPage Scan
214O that the Lord's salvationPage Scan
215So fades the lovely, blooming flowerPage Scan
216How blest the righteous when he diesPage Scan
217Jesus demands this heart of minePage Scan
218O, for a glance of heavenly dayPage Scan
219To-day--if ye will hear his voicePage Scan
220Jesus, I fain would walk in theePage Scan
221Sweet peace of conscience, heavenly guestPage Scan
222My soul, with humble fervor raisePage Scan
223How blest the sacred tie that bindsPage Scan
224From every stormy wind that blowsPage Scan
225There is a land mine eye hath seenPage Scan
226Father in heaven, as now the dayPage Scan
227Far, far o'er hill and dellPage Scan
228Through thy protecting carePage Scan
229Poor, wilder'd, weeping heartPage Scan
230O thou who hearest prayerPage Scan
231Hark to the solemn bellPage Scan
232Come children, join to singPage Scan
233I have fought the good fightPage Scan
234Shepherd, while thy flock is feedingPage Scan
235Lowly and solemn be Page Scan
236Lord, from thy blessed thronePage Scan
237My faith looks up to theePage Scan
238Thou, whose almighty word Page Scan
239O holy Lord, our GodPage Scan
240Yes, my native land, I love theePage Scan
241Guide me, O thou great JehovahPage Scan
242Through the day thy love has spared usPage Scan
243"Forever with the Lord!" Amen, so let it be!Page Scan
244Lord of mercy and of mightPage Scan
245For me to live is ChristPage Scan
246Many woes had Christ enduredPage Scan
247There's rest in the gravePage Scan
248I'm weary, I'm weary; the loved and the blestPage Scan
249Saviour, now receive himPage Scan
250We miss thee, thou loved one, throughout the long dayPage Scan
251People of the living GodPage Scan
252Another year Has told its fourfold talePage Scan
253Brethren, while we sojourn herePage Scan
254Much in sorrow, oft in woePage Scan
255Glory to thee, my God, this nightPage Scan
256Great God, we sing that mighty handPage Scan
257Jesus, my all, to heaven is gonePage Scan
258Show pity, Lord, O Lord, forgivePage Scan
259Life is the time to serve the LordPage Scan
260Stay, thou insulted Spirit, stayPage Scan
261The day of wrath, that dreadful dayPage Scan
262Now, in the heat of youthful bloodPage Scan
263From whence does the union arisePage Scan
264Ye angels, who stand round the thronePage Scan
265Vain, delusive world, adieuPage Scan
266Jesus, let thy pitying eyePage Scan
267Saviour, see me from abovePage Scan
268Lamb of God, whose dying lovePage Scan
269Mortal, weary with thy toilingPage Scan
270Sabbath holy! To the lowlyPage Scan
271Hail, happy day! thou day of holy rest!Page Scan
272Father, again in Jesus' name we meetPage Scan
273Again returns the day of holy restPage Scan
274God of our salvation!Page Scan
275Why that look of sadness?Page Scan
276Brother, though from yonder skyPage Scan
277To the cross where Jesus diesPage Scan
278Sinner, art thou still secure?Page Scan
279God of mercy! God of grace!Page Scan
280What's this that steals, that steals upon my frame?Page Scan
281Alas! how poor and little worthPage Scan
282We are on our journey homePage Scan
283Send kindly light, amid th' encircling gloomPage Scan
284Almighty Maker, God, How wondrous is thy namePage Scan
285Behold the throne of grace!Page Scan
286My Maker and my KingPage Scan
287Our heavenly Father, hear Page Scan
288With humble heart and tonguePage Scan
289How sweet the melting layPage Scan
290Blest are the pure in heartPage Scan
291To-morrow, Lord, is thinePage Scan
292Now is the day of gracePage Scan
293Mourn for the thousands slainPage Scan
294The Saviour kindly calls Page Scan
295Our fathers! where are theyPage Scan
296Another day is pastPage Scan
297O for the death of thosePage Scan
298A charge to keep I havePage Scan
299Call'd from above, I risePage Scan
300The day is past and gonePage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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