A Pocket Hymn-Book: designed as a constant companion for the pious: collected from various authors. (21st ed.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
CICome, thou fount of ev'ry blessingPage Scan
CIIJesus, from whom all blessings flowPage Scan
CIIIEver fainting with desirePage Scan
CIVMy God, I know, I feel thee minePage Scan
CVWhat now is my object and aim?Page Scan
CVIJesu, thy boundless love to mePage Scan
CVIIHoly, and true, and righteous LordPage Scan
CVIIISaviour of the sin-sick soulPage Scan
CIXLord, I believe a rest remainsPage Scan
CXO joyful sound of gospel-gracePage Scan
CXIJesus haht dy'd that I might lifePage Scan
CXIIThou great mysterious God unknownPage Scan
CXIIIMy hope, my All, my Saviour thouPage Scan
CXIVJesus, the all-sustaining WordPage Scan
CXVHow vain are all things here belowPage Scan
CXVIAll ye that pass byPage Scan
CXVIIWhen, gracious Lord, when shall it bePage Scan
CXVIIIWhom man forsakes thou wilt not leavePage Scan
CXIXJesus, Redeemer of mankindPage Scan
CXXO God of good, the unfathom'd seaPage Scan
CXXIO Jesus, my restPage Scan
CXXIIJesu, thy wand'ring sheep behold!Page Scan
CXXIIIFather, our hearts we liftPage Scan
CXXIVLord of the harvest, hearPage Scan
CXXVSee, gracious Lord with pitying eyesPage Scan
CXXVICome, ye that love the LordPage Scan
CXXVIIHappy the man that finds the gracePage Scan
CXXVIIIHappy the souls to J`esus join'dPage Scan
CXXIXLet earth and heav'n agreePage Scan
CXXXArise, my soul, arisePage Scan
CXXXIMy God I am thinePage Scan
CXXXIIThy ceaseless, unexhausted lovePage Scan
CXXXIIIRejoice, the Lord is KingPage Scan
CXXXIVO tell me no morePage Scan
CXXXVAnd must this body diePage Scan
CXXXVIHe dies, the friend of sinners diesPage Scan
CXXXVIIPlung'd in a gulf of dark despairPage Scan
CXXXVIIIMy God, the spring of all my joysPage Scan
CXXXIXLet ev'ry tongue thy goodness speakPage Scan
CXLCome, Holy Spirit, heav'nly DovePage Scan
CXLIThe spacious firmament on highPage Scan
CXLIIThe voice of my beloved soundsPage Scan
CXLIIIVain, delusive world, adieuPage Scan
CXLIVWith joy we meditate the gracePage Scan
CXLVJesus, my All, to heav'n is gonePage Scan
CXLVIFather, how wide thy glories shine!Page Scan
CXLVIIMy God, my portion, and my lovPage Scan
CXLVIIIChildren of the heav'nly KingPage Scan
CXLIXO what shall I do my Saviour to praise!Page Scan
CLI'll praise my Maker while I've breathPage Scan
CLIPraise ye the Lord! 'tis good to raisePage Scan
CLIIHow do thy mercies close me round!Page Scan
CLIIIO God of all gracePage Scan
CLIVBefore Jehovah's awful thronePage Scan
CLVThe Lord of Sabbath let us praisePage Scan
CLVISalvation! O the joyful sound!Page Scan
CLVIIFrom all that dwell below the skiesPage Scan
CLVIIICome, let us join our cheerful songsPage Scan
CLIXGlory be to God on highPage Scan
CLXPraise ye the Lord y' immortal choirsPage Scan
CLXIThe God of Abrah'm praisePage Scan
CLXIIMy Saviour, my almighty friendPage Scan
CLXIIIThis, this is the God we adorePage Scan
CLXIVWhen all the mercies of my GodPage Scan
CLXVO thou God of my salvationPage Scan
CLXVIHow happy every child of gracePage Scan
CLXVIICommit thou all thy griefsPage Scan
CLXVIIIGive to the winds thy fearsPage Scan
CLXIXGod of my life, whose gracious powerPage Scan
CLXXTho' troubles assail, and dangers affrightPage Scan
CLXXIThe Lord my pastures shall preparePage Scan
CLXXIIGod moves in a mysterious wayPage Scan
CLXXIIIAway, my unbelieving fear!Page Scan
CLXXIVStill for thy loving-kindness LordPage Scan
CLXXVSoldiers of Christ, arisePage Scan
CLXXVIBut above all lay holdPage Scan
CLXXVIIPeace, troubled soul, thou need'st not fearPage Scan
CLXXVIIICome, on my partners in distressPage Scan
CLXXIXAnd let this feeble body failPage Scan
CLXXXHappy soul, thy days are endedPage Scan
CLXXXIHead of the church triumphantPage Scan
CLXXXIIAh! lovely appearance of deathPage Scan
CLXXXIIIRejoice for a brother deceas'dPage Scan
CLXXXIV'Tis finish'd, 'tis done!Page Scan
CLXXXVHosanna to Jesus on high!Page Scan
CLXXXVIHappy who in Jesus livePage Scan
CLXXXVIICome away to the skiesPage Scan
CLXXXVIIICome, let us anewPage Scan
CLXXXIXCome, let us ascendPage Scan
CXCJesus, great Shepherd, of the sheepPage Scan
CXCITry us, O God, and search the groundPage Scan
CXCIIThou God of truth and lovePage Scan
CXCIIIFather of our dying LordPage Scan
CXCIVJesu, Lord, we look to theePage Scan
CXCVJesu, united by thy gracePage Scan
CXCVICome, and let us sweetly joinPage Scan
CXCVIICome, thou high and lofty LordPage Scan
CXCVIIICome, let us use the grace divinePage Scan
CXCIXBrother in Christ, and well-belov'dPage Scan
CCPeace be on this house bestow'dPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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