The Sacred Harp: the best collection of sacred songs, hymns, odes, and anthems ever offered the singing public for general use (1991 rev.)

Committee Chair: Hugh McGraw
Publisher: Sacred Harp Publishing Company, Inc., 1991
Language: English
Notes: Four-shape notation. Hymn numbers refer to page numbers; when two hymns begin on the same page, they are distinguished with letters a and b. Page scans & robotic sound files are at
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
504When we our wearied limbs to restWOOD STREET
505Come, on, my friends, and go with meWHERE CEASELESS AGES ROLL
506When Noah with his favored fewTHE ARK
507And seeing, and seeing the multitudes, He wentSERMON ON THE MOUNT
510Holy Spirit, faithful guideCORLEY
511Look up, my soul, with cheerful eyesTHE GREAT REDEEMER
512When the sun, or light, or the moon, or the starsTHE SPIRIT SHALL RETURN
513Am I a soldier of the crossJOYFUL
515My dear Redeemer and my LordFEDERAL STREET
516And now, my friends, both old and youngDeLONG
517How shall the young secure their heartsMARS HILL
518The heavens declare the glory of GodHEAVENLY ANTHEM
521Our cheerful voices let us raisePARTING FRIENDS
522Ye heedless ones who wildly strollYE HEEDLESS ONESText
523Sinner, art thou still secure?PLEYELS HYMN
524The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not wantTHE 23rd PSALMText
527He saw me sinking in distressMY LIFE AND BREATHText
528With songs and honors sounding loudSHOWERS OF BLESSINGS
530I've learned to sing a glad, new songA GLAD NEW SONG
531Dear Lord, forgive my sins, I prayDURA
532In the cross of Christ I gloryPEACE AND JOY
534The mighty hand of God doth reignNEW GEORGIA
535O that I could repent!SHAWMUT
536Oh, the delights, the heav'nly joysSWEET MAJESTY
538Ye flow'ry plains, proclaim His skillHAMPTONText
539Glory to Thee, my God on highSUPPLICATION
540How charming is the placeNIDRAH
541Why should our tears in sorrow flowHOME OF THE BLEST
542My hope is in the LordI'LL SEEK HIS BLESSINGS
543Before the hills in order stoodTHOU ART GOD
544I'll praise Him while He gives me breathPRAISE HIM
545Dark and thorny is the desertTHE PILGRIM'S WAY
546My God, the spring of all my joysMY BRIGHTEST DAYS
547Remember, Lord, our mortal stateGRANVILLE
548I soon shall view the promised landWOOTTEN
549My days on earth are almost gonePHILLIPS FAREWELL
550My God, the spring of all my joysBLISSFUL DAWNING
551As Jacob with travel was weary one dayJACOB'S VISION
553In the beginning was the WordANTHEM ON THE BEGINNING
556Sweet is the day of sacred restPORTLAND
558My Shepherd is the Lord most highLIVING STREAMS
560We are told there is a homeMY HOME
562O may our humble spirits standINFINITE DELIGHTText
564While trav'ling down life's weary roadZION
565The Hill of Zion yieldsTHE HILL OF ZION
566Thus far the Lord hath led me onHEBRON
567I've a long time heard that there will be a judgmentTHE GREAT DAYText
568I want to go to Heav'n, I doI WANT TO GO TO HEAVEN
569aDear Lord, what heav’nly wonders dwellEMMAUSText
569bBeneath the sacred throne of GodSACRED THRONEText
570The time is swiftly rolling onFAREWELL TO ALLText
571Oh, why should I wander a stranger from TheePENITENCEText
572In those days came John the BaptistTHE LAMB OF GODText
573Where prophet's word and martyr's bloodHARPETH VALLEYText

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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