Songs of Faith

Author: G. W. Briggs
Publisher: Oxford University Press, London / New York / Toronto, 1945
Language: English
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1O God, in whom we live and move
3God is our King: He reigns alone
4Lift we up our hearts to praise
5Lord of all majesty and might
7I said, as I gazed on the starry height
8Beneath these emblems of eternity
9O God, enthroned in endless space
11Shall God not share
12The world is full of sorrow, and its tears
14I knew a man who started on life's way
15In all the forms that He hath made
18The throstle sings the sweetest songs he knows
19God who madest, God who bearest
20God, who art light, from whom all truth proceeding
21Christ is the world's true Light
22Son of the Lord Most High
24Lord, who hast made me free
25Lord, who hast brought me on my way
26Lord, who Thyself hast bidden us to pray
27I knew Thee not, Thou wounded Son of God
28Lord, I would know Thee, know Thee as Thou art
29Lord, who once wast crucified
30Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest
31The Spirit of the Lord revealed
32Holy Spirit, who of old
33Eye hath not seen, O God; in vain, in vain
34For Thy saints unknown to fame
36Andrew, Simon Peter's brother
38Two brother heard the Master's call
39Where is Thy heaven, O God? Is it far
40Our Father, by whose servants
42Seek not for happiness, nor choose
43Lord, I would learn to be content
44Forget the past; nor think upon
45Lord, lead me by the waters calm and still
46Lord, here am I: unworthy though I be
47Give me Thy peace, O God: the world can give
48Our Father, for our daily bread
49Hark! a hundred notes are swelling
50I love God's tiny creatures
51Lord, in the hollow of Thy hand
52Lord God of earth and sea and skies
53O Thou whose righteous judgments stand
55O God our Strength, whose sovereign throne
56Great God, to whose all-seeing eye
57All ye who love of freedom boast
58I built my castles in the air
60Once more, O Lord, 'tis eventide
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