New search engine

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Our new search engine went live this morning. This new search engine has many changes. It lets you
* search across entities, e.g. "Amazing Grace" in F minor
* search multiple attributes, e.g. "Psalter Hymnal 231" or "Call to worship by Daw"
* add constraints like hymnalID:PsH
* negate terms, like text name Amazing Grace, Tune Name -"New Britain"
* add additional, less-used search fields to the search query
* specify result type: Text, Tune, Hymn (instance), People, Hymnals
* do stemming, so "running" will match "my race is run"
* do ranked full-text searching, so "Wondrous love" will match "Love divine, so great and wondrous", but only after "O, what wondrous love I see", and that is after "What wondrous love is this".
* search for gender-neutral, non-archaic, and/or basic English texts

What do you think? Bug reports? Suggestions?


The search engine frequently fails to find existing author records. For example, entering "Wyeth" or "wyeth" fails to return Mary E. C. Wyeth (

Yep, that appears to be a bug. Thanks for reporting it. We'll check it out on Monday.

To work around this bug, you can find all the Wyeth records by putting that into the "Search the entire hymnary" box in the upper right, by the way.