Search help

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Greetings. I am just beginning to use this excellent web site and am probably just doing something wrong. I've read the "search tips" and "advanced searching" pages, and still am not getting it. Here's what's happening: I enter a lectionary day (e.g. "lent 3 year b") in the "Topics" field and search, retrieving fifty-one hymns. I add the checkbox "My hymnals" and get zero results, even though my hymnals (primarily Episcopal _Hymnal 1982_) have quite a few of the fifty-one found at first.

I'd be grateful if an experienced user could point me the right way to do the search correctly. Thanks in advance.



The problem is that we do not have any topic information for the Episcopal Hymnal 1982. It looks like the only hymnals we've entered lectionary information as topics for are "Voices United" and "Psalms for All Seasons." To find out whether the hymn is in the EH1982, then you would need to click on the first line to see the hymn instances.

Another way to find hymns to go with a lectionary week is to go to "Browse" and then "Lectionary" for an editor selected list of hymns.