How is Hymnary Developed?

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Since the data is crowdsourced. Is the site and database itself opensource?
The wiki details contributions, but it does not describe how Hymnary is developed.
Is there a link to the repository for Hymnary?
Are there APIs for programmers that might want to build apps with the data provided by Hymnary?
If there are APIs, who develops the APIs?

Where do I find out about these sorts of things? Am I missing anything?


Hymnary and its associated data and database are not open source. However, much of the data is available to download and use by developers. We also offer APIs for retrieving Hymnary data programatically. Details on these data sources and APIs can be found at If you use any of Hymnary's data or APIs we would love to hear about it. We encourage developers to make use of the data we provide. Just remember to properly credit A team of internal programmers develops Hymnary and creates the APIs.