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I'm wondering if it might be time to require some sort of humanity test for posting privileges in the forums.


My Little Hymnblog
North America's leading Esperanto hymn writer and hymnologist
Webmaster, Fremont Baptist Church, Seattle


Could even be fun--display 20 initial lines of hymns at random, remove the longest word from each one, and require visitors to be able to fill in at least one of those missing words, before posting.

Users already have to solve a captcha before they can get an account.

There is a trade-off between annoying moderators, who have to delete spam, and annoying users, who would have to answer additional questions or solve additional captchas before posting. For the moment, we're leaning toward annoying moderators.

If anyone else would like to help deleting spam when they run across it, let me know and we'll give you permission.

Harry Plantinga
CCEL Director

I'd love to have the Ginzu spam-chopping superpower also.

I would gladly help as I had in the past, until the spammer(s) found a way to post spam that I could not delete.


If you need any more, I'm not unwilling.


My Little Hymnblog
North America's leading Esperanto hymn writer and hymnologist
Webmaster, Fremont Baptist Church, Seattle

I've beefed up the powers of "moderators" a bit so they can delete new topics as well as comments. These should give you anti-spam superpowers.

I've made Ken and Stephen into moderators.


Harry Plantinga
CCEL Director

Thank you, Harry. Now I can stop posting messages with SPAM in the header to highlight them for deletion. It'll be good to get back to deleting them myself again. :)


Thank you, Stephen, for helping control this blight.
