Concordia Publishing House

Short Name: Concordia Publishing House
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Products by Concordia Publishing House (23)sort ascendingAs
A Child's Garden of SongConcordia Publishing House (Publisher)
Concordia-KinderchoereConcordia Publishing House (Publisher)
Evangelical Lutheran Hymn Book with TunesConcordia Publishing House (Publisher)
Gesangbuechlein fuer Ev.-lutherische ReisepredigerConcordia Publishing House (Publisher)
Himnario Evangelico Luterano ... 2nd ed.Concordia Publishing House (Publisher)
Hymnal and Prayer Book: compiled by the Lutheran Church Board for Army and Navy of the Ev. Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and other states, and of the joint Ev. Lutheran Synod of...(3rd. ed.)Concordia Publishing House (Publisher)
Hymnal for Evangelical Lutheran MissionsConcordia Publishing House (Publisher)
Hymns of the Evangelical Lutheran Church: for the use of English Lutheran MissionsConcordia Publishing House (Publisher)
Kirchengesangbuch fuer Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden ungeanderter Augsburgischer KonfessionConcordia Publishing House (Publisher)
Kirchen-Gesangbuch: für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden ungeänderter Aubsburgischer ConfessionConcordia Publishing House (Publisher)
Kirchen-Gesangbuch für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden: ungeänderter Augsburgischer Confession darin des sel. Dr. Martin Luthers und anderer geistreichen Lehrer gebräuchlichste ... (55. ed.)Lutherischer Concordia-Verlag (Publisher)
Lieder-Perlen: Eine Sammlung von Liedern geistlichen und gemischten Inhalts, theils in deutscher, theils in englischer Sprache, nebt einer Anzahl Spiellieder, ein-, zwei- und dreistimmig (mit Anhang)Concordia Publishing House (Publisher)
Little Children, Sing to GodConcordia Publishing House (Publisher)
Lutheran Service BookConcordia Publishing House (Publisher)
MissionsfestliederConcordia Publishing House (Publisher)
Our Songs of PraiseConcordia Publishing House (Publisher)
Primary and Junior HymnalConcordia Publishing House (Publisher)
Select Songs for School and HomeConcordia Publishing House (Publisher)
The Chapel HymnalConcordia Publishing House (Publisher)
The Children's HymnalConcordia Publishing House (Publisher)
The Lutheran HymnalConcordia Publishing House (Publisher)
The Lutheran Service Hymnal, issued under the auspices of the Army and Navy Commission of the Lutheran Church--Missouri SynodConcordia Publishing House (Publisher)
Worship SupplementConcordia Publishing House (Publisher)
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