Robert Cottrill

Robert Cottrill
Short Name: Robert Cottrill
Full Name: Cottrill, Robert
Birth Year: 1941
Death Year: 2019

Born: 1941, Ham­il­ton, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da.

Cottrill at­tend­ed On­tar­io Bi­ble Coll­ege, the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Wind­sor, and Bri­er­crest Bib­li­cal Sem­in­a­ry. He served in pas­tor­ates in On­tar­io, with the As­so­ci­at­ed Gos­pel Church­es of Can­a­da for 17 years, and taught Bi­ble, mu­sic and other sub­jects in the col­lege class­room in west­ern Can­a­da. He now lives in Sas­katch­e­wan, Can­a­da. As a long time stu­dent of hym­nol­o­gy, he con­trib­ut­ed a con­sid­er­a­ble amount of back­ground in­for­ma­tion for the Cy­ber Hym­nal™. His fa­ther is Ed­ward Cot­trill.

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