Die Evagelischen Kongregational-Gemeinden von Nord-Amerika

Short Name: Die Evagelischen Kongregational-Gemeinden von Nord-Amerika
Full Name: Die Evagelischen Kongregational-Gemeinden von Nord-Amerika

German Congregational Church, grew from Germans who emigrated from Russia to the United States. Russia encouraged Germans to settle in colonies in the early 19th century with the promise of religious freedom. There were few ministers, so often Catholic, Lutheran, and Reformed churches shared ministers and they met in prayer groups that were later organized into the Brotherhood, or Brethren. The Congregational Church emphasis on local autonomy and the priesthood of believers appealed to these immigrants.

Dianne Shapiro, from "German Congregationalism on the American Frontier" by William G. Chrystal, accessed 9/1/2016 from the United Church of Christ website: http://www.ucc.org/about-us_hidden-histories_german-congregationalism-on and "The Creation of the United Church of Christ in North Dakota" by Charles A. Maxfiedl accessed 9/1/2006 from Maxfield Books: http://www.maxfieldbooks.com/UCCinND.html

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