Sarah Poulton Kalley

Short Name: Sarah Poulton Kalley
Full Name: Kalley, Sarah Poulton, 1825-1907
Birth Year: 1825
Death Year: 1907

Born in Nottingaham, England in 1825. Married Scottish physician and missionary Robert Reid Kalley. Together they went to Brazil. She wrote many hymns and was instrumental in organizing Salmos e Hinos the first Brazilian evangelical hymnal in the Portuguese language, first used at Igreja Evangélica Fluminense in 1861.

Texts by Sarah Poulton Kalley (16)sort ascendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
"Triste estás, candado e aflito, pobre e sem vigor?"Sarah Poulton Kalley (Translator)Portuguese2
Teu santo livro, ó grande DeusSarah Poulton Kalley (Author)Portuguese2
Qual o adorno desta vida?Sarah Poulton Kalley (Author)Portuguese3
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow (Ken)Sarah Poulton Kalley (Adapter (Portuguese))English2
Ouve-nos, Pastor divinoSarah Poulton Kalley (Translator)Portuguese2
Ouve, a voz divina clamaSarah Poulton Kalley (Translator)1
Ó moços crentes em JesusSarah Poulton Kalley (Translator)Portuguese2
Ó bondoso Salvador, sê tu meu amparadorSarah Poulton Kalley (1825-1907) (Translator)Portuguese2
Jesus, Pastor amado, contempla-nos aquiSarah Poulton Kalley (Author)Portuguese2
Findou-se a luta de JesusSarah Poulton Kalley (Translator)Portuguese3
Filhos da luz, que tendes salvaçãoSarah Poulton Kalley (Author)Portuguese2
Deus nos deu mensagem santaSarah Poulton Kalley (Author)Portuguese2
Beloved Jesus, shepherdSarah P. Kalley, 1825-1907 (Author)English2
As tuas mãos dirigem meu destinoSarah Poulton Kalley (Author)Portuguese2
Altamente os céus proclamamSarah Poulton Kalley (Author)Portuguese2
A Deus, o Pai e BenfeitorSarah Poulton Kalley (Translator)Portuguese2
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