Sacred Tones: for radio and genearl use

Publisher: Stamps Baxter Music and Printing Company, Dallas, 1956
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
00In this lonely world of grief
1aAs a band of Christian soldiers
1In this world we have our sorrow
2I am weak but thou art strong
3I was lost but someone found me
4When I feel so lonesome and blue
5Christ is keeping my soul each day
6Once I went out on the mountain
7One day the Savior spoke to me
8Rock of ages, I am clinging
9As I travel on toward the setting sun
10It may have been farther
11Who at my [the] [thy] door [who] is standing [knocking]
12Once I was lost, a slave
13There's a Friend most true I am clinging to
14I am glad to tell love's story
15Singing and praising Jesus
16Often I've heard about a home
17I'm serving now a risen Lord
18I am moving toward that city over
19Glory to God, I'm happy today
20There is a city called heaven
21A lovely island of mansions grand
22There's a land that is fairer [brighter] than day
23O the everlasting glory
24I have a Savior who loves me
25Here the family ties are broken
26John foretold of a place
27When this life's ended angel attended
28When my traveling days down here
29Through this sinful land, help me hold
30I am so happy today, since my
31We read of many wrecks
32Some glad tomorrow all sickness and sorrow
33I am on my way to glory
34In the garden of God's love
35Jesus Savior, coming down from above
36Dear Master, I pray that my life
37When toiling is ended and my burdens are laid
38While driving on the highway
39The love of God has meant so much to me
40In the resurrection morning
41The Lord will not fail me
42People today are going their way
43There's a city just over the river
44As we travel here, keeping faith
45There is one, every grief
46As I strolled among the tombs
47I am traveling through the world of sin
48We must pass through shadows as we press
49When life's little day is ending
50I rejoice in the love divine
51Living below in this old sinful world
52It was for me Jesus left all His glory
53When shadows fall across your
54When I was a sinner, and
55On this changing road, sharing
56There is glory, hallelujah
57The Lord is calling for workers true
58My mother's precious love
59The pathway here may oft be rough
60I've traveled here for Jesus
61On Jordan's stormy [rugged] banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye
62Christ is coming back again, from heaven above
63We praise thee, O God, for the Son of thy love
64I know my sins are all forgiven
65Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee
66There are signal lights to guide
67Down at the cross where my [the] Savior died
68I shall soon be moving up
69If I have mistreated someone on the way
70Often when the evening shadows
71My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty
72Jesus is coming to earth again
73I know that foes will oft assail me
74Dear memory comes from my childhood home
75I tread the dark and lonely
76Away from the Lord I wandered
77What could I do without Jesus
78O what a meeting up in glory
79My heav'nly home is bright and fair
80When I was burdened, so lonely
81Dreaming, dreaming silently
82Why am I weeping
83Well, I am on my homeward journey
84We are on a journey to a better land
85There's a happy feeling in this
86Happy the journey along the narrow way
87There is glory in the story of love
88It was an old fashioned Savior
89Traveling here, having no fear
90Let us work together
91I wandered out in sin and shame
92When the trumpet sounds so loud
93Wonderful the love of Jesus
94I have a wonderful Savior who's
95As I travel with Jesus
96Here each day we daily travel
97Shadows of sorrow drift across
98I am on a journey through a land beset

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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