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Tune Identifier:"^abbotsford_13134$"

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That day of wrath, that dreadful day

Author: Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Hymnal: The Song Companion to the Scriptures #507 (1911) Languages: English Tune Title: ABBOTSFORD

Captain of Thine Enlisted Host

Author: Christopher Batty Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #746 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Captain of Thine enlisted host, Display Thy glorious banner high; The summons send from coast to coast, And call a numerous army nigh. 2. A solemn jubilee proclaim Proclaim the great Sabbatic day; Assert the glories of Thy name; Spoil Satan of his wished-for prey. 3. Bid, bid Thy heralds publish loud The peaceful blessings of Thy reign; And when they speak of sprinkled blood, The mystery to the heart explain. 4. Chase the usurper from his throne, Oh! chase him to his destined hell; Stout-hearted sinners overcome; And glorious in Thy temple dwell. 5. Fight for Thyself, O Jesus, fight, The travail of Thy soul regain; To each blind soul make darkness light, To all let crooked paths be plain. Languages: English Tune Title: ABBOTSFORD

My Soul Is Sad and Much Dismayed

Author: William Cowper Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #4374 Meter: Lyrics: 1. My soul is sad and much dismayed; See, Lord, what legions of my foes, With fierce Apollyon at their head, My heav’nly pilgrimage oppose! 2. See, from the over-burning lake How like a smoky cloud they rise! With horrid blasts my soul they shake, With storms of blasphemies and lies. 3. Their fiery arrows reach the mark, My throbbing heart with anguish tear; Each lights upon a kindred spark, And finds abundant fuel there. 4. I hate the thought that wrongs the Lord; O, I would drive it from my breast, With Thy own sharp two-edged sword, Far as the east is from the west! 5. Come then, and chase the cruel host, Heal the deep wounds I have received! Nor let the pow’rs of darkness boast That I am foiled, and Thou art grieved! Languages: English Tune Title: ABBOTSFORD

Ye Sons of Adam, Vain and Young

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #7771 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Ye sons of Adam, vain and young, Indulge your eyes, indulge your tongue, Taste the delights your souls desire, And give a loose to all your fire; 2. Pursue the pleasures you design, And cheer your hearts with songs and wine; Enjoy the day of mirth, but know There is a day of judgment, too. 3. God from on high records your thoughts, His book records your secret faults; The works of darkness you have done Must all appear before the sun. 4. The vengeance to your follies due Should strike your hearts with terror through: How will you stand before His face, Or answer for His injured grace? 5. Almighty God! turn off their eyes From these alluring vanities; And let the thunder of Thy Word Awake their souls to fear the Lord. Languages: English Tune Title: ABBOTSFORD

Great Maker Of Unnumbered Worlds

Author: Sidney Dyer Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #7846 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Great Maker of unnumbered worlds, And whom unnumbered worlds adore— Whose goodness all Thy creatures share, While nature trembles at Thy power— 2 Thine is the hand that moves the spheres, That wakes the wind, and lifts the sea; And man, who moves the lord of earth, Acts but the part assigned by Thee. 3 While suppliant crowds implore Thine aid, To Thee we raise the humble cry; Thine altar is the contrite heart, Thine incense the repentant sigh. 4 O, may our land, in this her hour, Confess Thy hand, and bless the rod, By penitence make Thee her friend, And find in Thee a guardian God. Languages: English Tune Title: ABBOTSFORD

O Savior Of The World Forlorn

Author: Alfred T. T. Verney-Cave Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8381 Meter: Lyrics: 1 O Savior of the world forlorn, Who man to save this day wast born, Our days are sinking to their night, In darkness save, save us in light. 2 Let Thy most blessèd favor be Around us as we bend the knee; Blot out our sin; Thy heavenly ray Dispels the gloom and makes our day. 3 No sleep shall thus weigh down the mind, Nor ghostly foe unguarded find; Nor reason yielding to a dream Wake less responsive to Thy beam. 4 O Thou that makest all things new, With cravings of the heart we sue, Our lives may, fresh from Thee their source, Renew the pureness of their course. 5 To God the Father endless praise, And to His only Son we raise; An equal glory as is meet Be sung to God the Paraclete. Languages: English Tune Title: ABBOTSFORD

Was It For Sin?

Author: Anne Steele Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8705 First Line: Was it for sin, for mortal guilt Refrain First Line: LM Lyrics: 1 Was it for sin, for mortal guilt, The Savior gave His vital blood? For sin amazing anguish felt, The wrath of an offended God? 2 When bleeding, groaning, on the tree, He breathed such agonizing cries, When nature suffered, Lord, with Thee, And darkness clothed the mourning skies. 3 And shall I harbor in my breast (O tremble, soul, at such a deed) This dreadful foe, this fatal guest? ’Twas sin that made my Savior bleed. 4 ’Tis sin that would my ruin prove, And sink me down to endless woe; But O forbid it, heav’nly love, And save me from the cursèd foe. 5 Ye sins, ye cruel sins, depart, Your tyrant sway I cannot bear; My rightful sovereign claims my heart, And Christ alone shall govern here. 6 Come, glorious conqueror, gracious Lord, Thy all-prevailing power employ; O come, with Thy resistless word, These hateful enemies destroy. 7 So guilty, weak, to Thee I fly, My Lord, my Savior, and my friend, On Thy almighty arm rely, On Thy atoning blood depend. 8 All of my hope is fixed on Thee, For Thou alone hast power divine; O come, and conquer, Lord, for me, And all the glory shall be Thine. Languages: English Tune Title: ABBOTSFORD

As Some Tall Rock Amidst The Waves

Author: John Newton Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8991 Meter: Lyrics: 1 As some tall rock amidst the waves, The fury of the tempest braves; While fierce the billows, toiling high, Break at its foot and murmuring die: 2 Thus they, who in the Lord confide, Though foes assault on every side; Cannot be moved or overthrown, For Jesus makes their cause His own. 3 So faithful Stephen, undismayed, The malice of the Jews surveyed; The holy joy which filled his breast A luster on his face impressed. 4 "Behold!" he said, "the world of light Is opened to my strengthened sight; My glorious Lord appears in view, That Jesus, whom ye lately slew." 5 With such a friend and witness near, No form of death could make him fear; Calm, midst the shower of stones, he kneels, And only for his murderers feels. 6 May we, by faith, perceive Thee thus, Dear Savior, ever near to us! This fight, through life, our peace shall keep, And death be feared no more than sleep. Languages: English Tune Title: ABBOTSFORD

Sinners, Attend The Dreadful Word

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11191 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Sinners, attend the dreadful word— "The Judge of all, the righteous Lord, Doth with His holy myriads come"— And tremble at your instant doom! 2 Ye just, the faithful God and true Comes, to be glorified in you, Rejoice to see the Judge descend, And boldly meet your heavenly friend! Languages: English Tune Title: ABBOTSFORD

Ye Judges Of The Earth, Be Still

Author: Benjamin H. Kennedy Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11236 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Ye judges of the earth, be still, While God declares His righteous will: “How long in your unequal scale Shall justice lose, and wrong prevail? 2 'Let law the orphan’s claim secure: List to the friendless and the poor: Protect the weak, assert their right, And save them from the oppressor’s spite. 3 "Alas, ye neither know nor mark; Reckless ye wander in the dark, While earth the dire confusion feels, And on its deep foundation reels. 4 "Gods ye were named: all lands in you The children of the Highest knew: But death your frailty shall betray, And blend your forms with vulgar clay." 5 Rise, high-throned God, to vengeance rise; Redeem the wronged, the proud chastise; Rule every realm by right divine: For all the realms of earth are Thine. Languages: English Tune Title: ABBOTSFORD


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