Talk:Hymnal installation

"Ask your database expert"? Who is that?

Clarification on "Hymnal Set Up" section

It says "To add a new hymnal, go to Editor Tools--Add new--Hymnal." But where do you find the "Editor Tools" menu? Is this instruction intended only for staff who have access to the menu? If so, please state that. If so, it leaves end users no way to add a hymnal. So please also include information for them on how to submit suggestions for hymnals to add. --Kenstock59 16:33, 30 April 2013 (UTC)

Editor/non-editor separation needed

It is not clear on this page which instructions apply to authorized editors and which apply to non-editor users who must email any submissions to the staff. It does not even state (as far as I can tell) that there is such a distinction, which makes the first reading of the instructions rather confusing.