Browsing topics in Faith That Lets Us Sing: fifty new hymns and short worship songs

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Advent#26Come, Dayspring from on high
Advent#52Like a thief in the night
AdventCandle-lighting#81We light the candle of hope
Ansering God's Call#18As Abraham and Sarah
Ansering God's Call#86When Jesus came to Jericho
BaptismBaptism of Jesus#88When Jesus was baptized by John
BaptismPrayer#30For your wise, creating Spirit,
BaptismRembering our Baptism#88When Jesus was baptized by John
Children in the Bible#22Before the dawn had broken
ChristmasAngels' messages#90When Mary heard an angel say
ChristmasBirth of Jesus#1Bethlehem, the House of Bread
ChristmasBlessing#2May you hear the angels sings
ChristmasDo not fear#24Brave shepherds quaked with fear that night
ChristmasGod is with us#12Angel voices still are singing
ChristmasJourney to Bethlehem#42How far it was to Bethlehem
ChristmasShepherds#92Who was there to hear good news proclaimed
ChristmasThen and now#94You came to a world that was driven by greed
Church#34God, who called us through the prophets
Church#70Sing of a people who came to rejoice
Church#72They built the church that is our home
