Browsing topics in Journeysongs (3rd ed.)

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Advent 1Year A#102How I rejoiced to hear them say
Advent 1Year A#103I rejoiced because they said to me
Advent 1Year B#60A vine from Egypt you transplanted
Advent 1Year C#27Your ways, O LORD, make known to me
Advent 1Year C#28Your ways, O Lord, make known to me
Advent 1Year C#29Your ways, O LORD, make known to me
Advent 2Year A#59aO God, with your judgment endow the king
Advent 2Year A#59bO God, with your judgment endow the king
Advent 2Year B#62God, how I long for the peace you proclaim
Advent 2Year B#63I will hear what God proclaims
Advent 2Year B#64I will hear what the Lord proclaims
Advent 2Year C#104When the LORD brought back the captives of Zion
Advent 3Year A#116The God of Jacob keeps faith forever
Advent 3Year B#120My soul proclaims your mighty deeds
Advent 3Year B#121Sing out, my soul, for God has raised and blessed me
Advent 3Year C#118Truly God is our salvation
Advent 4Year A#26bAll creation is the work of God
Advent 4Year A#26aAll creation is the work of God
Advent 4Year B#65I have made a covenant with my chosen one
Advent 4Year B#66I have made a covenant with my chosen one
