One and All Rejoice

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
271Children of the Heavenly FatherTRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARAText
272My Shepherd will supply my needRESIGNATIONText
273You who dwell in the shelter of the LordON EAGLE'S WINGS
274Seek ye first the kingdom of GodSEEK YE FIRST
275I am Jesus' little lambWEIL ICH JESU SCHÄFLEIN BINText
276We were buried with Him into deathCHRIST IS WITH ME
277All depends on our possessing ALLES IST AN GOTTES SEGENText
278Day by day, Your mercies, Lord, attend meBLOTT EN DAG
279Amazing grace—how sweet the soundNEW BRITAINText
280In the morning when I riseGIVE ME JESUSText
281O God of Jacob, by whose hand O GOD OF JACOBText
282The God of love, in heav'n aboveGOD’S ANGELS
283When I fear my faith will failHOLD ME FAST
284Lord and Savior, do You hear usPATIENTLY ENDURING
285Entrust your days and burdensSUFFICIENTIA
286Come, Lord Jesus, be our guestKOMM, HERR JESUText
287What a friend we have in JesusCONVERSEText
288Dona nobis pacemDONA NOBIS PACEMText
289I thank You, my heav'nly FatherHARVESTER
290I thank You, my heav'nly FatherHARVESTER
291Our Father who art in heaven[Our Father who art in heaven]Text
292Gracious God, You send great blessingsHOLY MANNA
293Lord, work in me a cheerful heartST. PETER
294Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creationLOBE DEN HERRENText
295Sing a new song to the LordONSLOW SQUARE
296To God our Creator, who makes all things whole[To God our Creator who makes all things whole]
297Jubilate Deo (In the Lord Rejoicing)[Jubilate Deo] (Praetorius)
298Shout for joy, loud and longPERSONENT HODIE
299In Thee is gladness IN DIR IST FREUDEText
300Come, let us praise the LordDARWALL’S 148TH
301The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning[The sun come up, it's a new day dawning]
302People from ev'ry tribe and nationRENDEZ À DIEUText
303Rejoice in the Lord alwaysREJOICEText
304Praise God, from whom all blessings flowOLD HUNDREDTHText
305Jesus gave His mandate: Share the good newsNENO LAKE MUNGU
306This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine[This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine]Text
307They cast their nets in GalileePEACE OF GODText
308Come, Christians, follow where our Captain trodCRUCIFER
309Praise the One who breaks the darknessBEACH SPRING
310Where charity and love are, God with us is thereCHARITY AND LOVE
311Ubi caritas et amor / Live in charity and steadfast loveUBI CARITAS
312Beloved, beloved, let us love one another[Beloved, beloved, let us love one another]
313This is My commandment that you love one another[This is My commandment that you love one another]Text
314One in Christ and one in SpiritNETTLETON
315We sing Your praise for work, O GodST. COLUMBA
316Christ be my Leader by night as by daySLANE
317Lord, help us ever to retainTENDER YOUTHText
318I pray You, dear Lord JesusJEG VIL MIG HERREN LOVEText
319Someone Special, I know whoEISENBERG
320Greet the rising sunLE P’ING
321This is the day[This is the day]
322Now that the daylight fills the skyLAURELText
323Dear Father God, we rise to sayGRACE ARISING
324With the morning comes new joy[With the morning comes new joy]
325Shalom, my friendsSHALOM, CHAVERIM
326All praise to Thee, my God, this nightTALLIS’ CANONText
327Abide, O dearest JesusCHRISTUS, DER IST MEIN LEBENText
328And the grace of God, our FatherGRACE OF GODText
329Go, My children, with My blessingAR HYD Y NOS
330May the peace of God our heav'nly FatherMAY THE PEACE OF GOD
331The Lord bless youFLORENCEText
332For the beauty of the earthDIXText
333Each little flow'r that opensROYAL OAKText
334All creatures of our God and KingLASST UNS ERFREUENText
335God of the sparrowROEDER
336Now thank we all our GodNUN DANKET ALLE GOTTText
337We plow the fields and scatterWIR PFLÜGENText
338O give thanks unto the Lord[O give thanks unto the Lord]Text
339Praise and thanksgiving let everyone bringLOBET UND PREISET
340God bless our native landNATIONAL ANTHEMText
341O Lord of nations, hear our prayerKIRKWOOD
342He deliver'd Daniel from the lion's den[Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel]Text
343Ezekiel came to that valleyTHEM BONES
344I will sing unto the LordTZENAText
345When Israel was in Egypt's landTUBMANText
346On budding hearts, God wrote the LawGOD'S LAW
347I believe my heav'nly FatherI BELIEVE
348Father in heaven, gracious God aboveELLERS
349Go and baptize all the nationsGREAT COMMISSION
350When the heart by sin is brokenRUSTINGTON
351A blessed feast of highest goodHIGHEST GOOD
352These are the holy Ten CommandsIN GOTTES NAMEN FAHREN WIR
353We all believe in one true GodWIR GLAUBEN ALL (Chant)Text
354Our Father, who from heav'n aboveVATER UNSER

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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