Elihu S. Rice

Short Name: Elihu S. Rice
Full Name: Rice, Elihu S.
Hymnary.org does not have biographical information about this person.

Tunes by Elihu S. Rice (5)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[Hark, the notes of angels singing] (Rice)Elisha S. Rice (Composer)712343 21513 27123
[One sweetly solemn thought] (Rice)E. S. Rice (Composer)211117 12222 21233
[Shall we meet beyond the river] (Hull)Elihu S. Rice (Composer)134532 31566 51232
[Shall we meet beyond the river] (Rice)Elihu S. Rice (Composer)15012356 55171 22321
[Take me by the hand, my Father]E. S. Rice (Composer)212321 57616 51172
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