Allen D. Carden › Hymnals

Short Name: Allen D. Carden
Full Name: Carden, Allen D. (Dickinson), 1792-1859
Birth Year: 1792
Death Year: 1859

Born: Oc­to­ber 18, 1792, Vir­gin­ia.
Died: March 21, 1859, Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see.

Carden is best known as the com­pil­er of The Mis­sou­ri Har­mo­ny, first pub­lished in 1820. He ap­par­ent­ly lived St. Lou­is while com­pil­ing it, but by 1822 he was back in his na­tive state of Ten­nes­see, sell­ing tune books and con­duct­ing sing­ing schools in Nash­ville. Dur­ing his last 25 years Car­den ac­quired sub­stan­tial land hold­ings in cen­tral and west­ern Ten­nes­see. His works in­clude:

The Western Harmony, with S. J. Rogers, F. Moore, and J. Green, 1824
United States Harmony, 1829

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