Daniel K. L. Chua › Texts

Short Name: Daniel K. L. Chua
Full Name: Chua, Daniel K. L., 1966-
Birth Year: 1966

Daniel KL Chua (b. 1966) is the Mr and Mrs Hung Hing-Ying Professor in the Arts and Chair Professor of music at the University of Hong Kong. He has written widely on music, from Monteverdi to Stravinsky, but is particularly known for his work on Beethoven, the history of absolute music, and the intersection between music, philosophy and theology. He has written a number of hymns and worship songs some of which can be accessed through the following links:

Jesus is Lord: https://youtu.be/DD53QzMy614
I’m No Longer My Own: https://youtu.be/aTbveZIID6s
There on the Hill: https://youtu.be/DXrUgGSyo0I
Spirit Set My Soul Ablaze: https://youtu.be/FUXpq-465Yw

Daniel K. L. Chua (by permission)

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