L. Briggs Mitchell › Tunes

Short Name: L. Briggs Mitchell
Full Name: Mitchell, L. Briggs
Hymnary.org does not have biographical information about this person.

Tunes by L. Briggs Mitchell (25)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[All the days of my time while I tarry]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)234555 61123 15443
[As we go upon our way]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)212323 51556 41651
[Dismiss us with Thy blessing, Lord] (Mitchell)L. B. Mitchell (Composer)253121 65355 61512
[Father, once again we come]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)332123 16566 56531
[I am coming to the fountain] (Mitchell)L. B. Mitchell (Composer)251312 16511 23123
[I will sing of the beautiful City]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)255111 17123 25522
[In all the Savior's promises]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)253211 21665 51232
[In the Book of Life are written]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)251314 32111 32123
[Life is passing, quickly passing]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)255112 35466 51232
[Nearer to thee, is my prayer, O Savior]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)232151 23132 27121
[Now has come the time of parting]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)255531 65344 43235
[O it will be brighter tomorrow]L. Briggs Mitchell (Composer)255345 12315 61117
[O tell me the beautiful story]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)353212 16155 11117
[O the light from the bright world above me]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)212333 35565 31123
[O rally! ye soldiers of Jesus today]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)355671 23454 35543
[The music sweetly greets my ear]L. Briggs Mitchell (Composer)353221 16517 14321
[The songs of the great salvation]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)212332 13576 66533
[There is work for Christian hearts and hands]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)212321 65116 5
[There's a voice comes to my soul]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)234312 16511 17132
['Tis the love of Jesus cheers our hearts today]Lorenzo Briggs Mitchell (Composer)555654 51211 32125
[Toiling, toiling day by day]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)253155 31427 66553
[We are all in the heart of the Blessed One]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)212333 35565 35155
[We are hastening along to the beautiful land]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)212333 32121 65551
[When the blessed Master left our world]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)212353 32165 12354
[With praise upon our lips we close]L. B. Mitchell (Composer)251765 53555 42435
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