Browse Lectionary Hymns

Year B, Ordinary Time, Proper 7 (12)

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First Reading: ; ; ; ;
Psalm: ; ; ;
Second Reading:


These hymns have been hand-selected by a Hymnary editor as corresponding to this lectionary week.

Recommendations for Psalm 107:23-32

Israel Led to Canaan, and Christians to Heaven

Scripture: This is recommended for Psalm 107 by 18 hymnal scripture indexes.

Correction for Sin, and Release by Prayer

Scripture: This is recommended for Psalm 107 by 12 hymnal scripture indexes.

Recommendations for 2 Corinthians 6:1-13

Today is the Accepted Time

Scripture: This is recommended for 2 Corinthians 6:2 by 11 hymnal scripture indexes.

Recommendations for Mark 4:35-41


Eternal Father! strong to save

Scripture: This is recommended for Mark 4:35-41 by 11 hymnal scripture indexes.