Browse Lectionary Hymns

Year A, Ordinary Time, Proper 27 (32)

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First Reading: ; ; ;
Psalm: ; ;
Second Reading:


These hymns have been hand-selected by a Hymnary editor as corresponding to this lectionary week.

Recommendations for Psalm 78:1-7

Let children hear the mighty deeds

Scripture: This is recommended for Psalm 78 by 19 hymnal scripture indexes.

Recommendations for Psalm 70

Protection Against Personal Enemies

Scripture: This is recommended for Psalm 70 by 10 hymnal scripture indexes.

Recommendations for 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

At Home In Heaven

Scripture: This is recommended for 1 Thessalonians 4:17 by 18 hymnal scripture indexes.

Recommendations for Matthew 25:1-13


Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying

Scripture: This is recommended for Matthew 25:1-13 by 14 hymnal scripture indexes including Lutheran Service Book #516.